Monday, March 4, 2013

Sister Circle

I've always wanted a sister circle. Two or three women who loved me unconditionally as a sister, and wanted the best for me. I've come across a lot of women in my lifetime, but none of them have been "sisterly" to say the least. I've wondered a few times why this is the case, should I be more patient? Or maybe I'm not looking hard enough, or being open enough but at 22 I'd hope to be about 3 years in. Sometimes I wonder if my generation values sisterhood, I see tons of cattiness, jealousy, and downright hatred, but never any love or genuine support systems. Why is this? Has anyone else ever felt like this? Does anyone else feel the need and importance of a sister circle? Sometimes it really can be all we have, and although there might be ups and downs, it's nice to know that you have people who genuinely love you and are willing to help you grow, build and succeed spiritually, mentally, and support your endeavors. Sister circle, where art thou?

1 comment:

  1. Ashley, I can not tell you how much I am enjoying reading all that you have here. So glad I've found it. It seems we are both on a path of personal growth and awareness.

    In relation to this post. As I read this I can not believe I have finally come across some one who feels the EXACT same way about sisterhood, or lack thereof. I feel, felt and say the same thing ...what happen to sisterhood...what happpen to a few good friends, geniune sister/friends..where are they?

    Excellent post!...Thank you!
